Cults: and all their EVIL!

Scroll  Down for Identifying Cults: with HolyBible (KJV) truths in italics.

What is the definition of a cult?

A system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object:
Usually, though, a cult is more narrowly defined, and the word refers to an unorthodox sect whose members distort the original doctrines of the religion.

What's the difference between cult and religion?

Cult is a social group with socially deviant or novel religious, philosophical or spiritual beliefs and practices. Practices and regulations that tend to enslave and is demanding

Religion: a sacred belief system that allows for Grace, and understanding (free will).

How to Identify a Cult :

1. Unquestioning commitment to a domineering leader. Cult members are “focused on a living leader to whom members seem to display excessively zealous, unquestioning commitment.”.

2. Beware of any kind of pressure. That's probably the single most important advice I can give anyone. Any kind of pressure to make a quick decision about becoming involved in any intensive kind of activity or organization."

3. Be wary of any leader who proclaims him or herself as having special powers or special insight. And, of course, divinity."

4. The group is closed, so in other words, although there may be outside followers, there's usually an inner circle that follows the leader without question, and that maintains a tremendous amount of secrecy."

5. The group uses deceptive means, typically, to recruit new members, and then once recruited will subject its members to an organized program of thought reform, or what most people refer to as brainwashing."

6.Typically cults also exploit their members….mostly financially. Within the group, they'll exploit members financially, psychologically, emotionally and, all too often, sexually." Pedophilia is found in all most all religious cults and in all Satanic cults.

7.A very important aspect of cult is FEAR: the idea that if you leave the cult, horrible things will happen to you. This is important, and it's important to realize. That people outside of a cult are potential members, so they're not looked upon as negatively as people inside the cult who then leave the cult."

8. The Cult will drive a wedge between families and or family members. As a new member, you will be encouraged to invite family and friends. Those who refuse to become members or question the leaders, will be shunned and will be off limits for you; much like the Lepers in the Bible “unclean, unclean”.


View this horable demonstration of an apostate sacrilegious gathering.  

If you can stand it


Identifying Cults: with HolyBible (KJV) truths in italics.

Fueled by an UN-Holey spirit: -- And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? (Act 19:15)-- And in the synagogue there was a man, which had a spirit of an unclean devil, and cried out with a loud voice, Saying, “Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art; the Holy One of God”.(Luk 4:33-34)

Fueled by Fear:--The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.(Pro 29:25) 

Fueled by Shame:--  Let them be desolate for a reward of their shame that say unto me, Aha, aha.(Psa 40:15)--I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? (1Co 6:5) 

Fueled by Secrecy:--Hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked; from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity: (Psa 64:2)
No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light. (Luk 11:33) **Note: there is a fine line between a cult and the occult, occult def. secret, concealed, and hidden.

Fueled by the absence of light: (Luk 8:16)  No man, when he hath lighted a candle, covereth it with a vessel, or putteth it under a bed; but setteth it on a candlestick, that they which enter in may see the light.
(Joh 1:5) 
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.
(Joh 8:12) 
Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying,I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
Why are there no windows in J.W.’s Kingdom Halls? Answer: to Keep The
Light OUT! ----Jesus is the Light!

Taught to give up hope of joy or fulfillment in this life:--Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.(Psa 16:11) --And whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them, I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart rejoiced in all my labour: and this was my portion of all my labour.(Ecc 2:10) (Luk 6:23)  Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.(Joh 15:11)  These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.

Must resign themselves to drudgery and self discipline:--For thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands: happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee.(Psa 128:2)--The pastures are clothed with flocks; the valleys also are covered over with corn; they shout for joy, they also sing.(Psa 65:13) 
Often forced to fake a smile, ie. a positive face in order to prove to outsiders, they are the one true religion:

Oh Mercy, if one should try and leave, they will be shunned, persecuted, ie. their life made miserable and are told they are now doomed to Hell: (Joh 6:37) All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
(Mat 18:12) How think ye? if a man have an hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray?

Salvation must be earned, not saved by grace, but by works. (They define the works required): Folks: Salvation comes by believing (Faith) and repentance that Jesus is The Son of God! Salvation is given because of His, God’s grace! (Joh 3:16)  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.(Rom 10:9) That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. (Rom 10:13)  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Forbidden to question the leaders or rules: --- those foolish enough to try will be punished. Any deviation from the groups norm is punished. Members are mentally enslaved:

Some deny the sovereignty of Jesus: (Mat 3:16-17)  And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
(Joh 15:26) 
But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:(1Jn 5:7)  For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

Some deny the virgin birth: (Isa 7:14) Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
(Luk 1:27-31)  To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be.And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS.

Some deny The Trinity:(1Jn 5:7)  For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
(Eph 4:4-6)  There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. 

Some doubt the six day creation:(Gen 1:1)  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
(Gen 1:27)  So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
(Gen 1:31)  And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
(Rom 3:3)  For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? 
(Rom 3:4 ) God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged. 

Many arrange marriages:Gen 2:23-24)  And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 
Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. 

(Mat 19:6)   Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
God, from the beginning, gave man free will, to obey God’s law or to sin if a man is so willed. Why would God then not let man choose a mate that is to be for life?

Most will cause separation and divorce if the husband or wife fail to fallow the Group’s “Standards”: Some will even involve the courts and DHS to take children from parents or a parent. The Laws favor the accuser rather than the victim.

(This control of marriage and family is necessary to maintain the cult, otherwise, it would dissolve)

Many use an apostate bible, one that is rewritten to conform to their ideology:

(Rev 22:18-19) For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any manshall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

Click for the NIV:

Click For NWT:

Book of Mormon: --&

Cult of Christian Science: Science and Health, Authored by Mary Baker Eddy
The Salem Witchcraft Trial of 1878, also known as the Ipswich Witchcraft Trial, originated among the Christian Scientist community, adherents of the religion started by Mary Baker Eddy in the latter half of the 19th Century.  I
Mary Baker Eddy, was a practitioner of witchcraft before starting he Christian Science Cult.

All Cults Powered by Satan!

Satan’s object and goal is separating souls from Christ and mind control is the tool.

Babylon: what it is.

(Rev 14:8) And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

Babylon is confusion, and confusion is when the head of the body is substituted. Therefore, a group becomes Babylon if it fails to recognize the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ over the government of His people, and has put in His place a man or group of men to dictate the directions of the precepts and practices of the group and the individuals in it, in contradiction of the freedom that is found in the light of truth of God's word. The head of the body is where the mouth is found, and it is the mouth that gives the word, which is food for the whole body. When the right food is given to the body and the food has a free course inside the body, it supplies all the needful nutrients and keeps the body in good health. But when the word of God (the food) does not have a free course in the assembly, false doctrines, heresies and traditions of men are allowed to occupy an exalted position in the minds of individuals. This, of course, cuts off the group from the rest of the body and makes it a sect (Babylon).

In Mystery sect Babylon, Christ is not the focus, but the grievous wolves that draw disciples after them are the focus. Members are more concerned about what the visible leaders of the group think about them than what the Lord says about them. Human leaders determine who is what, who is fellow shipped and who is dis-fellow shipped.

The true church is marked by the free course that is found for both the Word and the Spirit of Truth in the fellowship of saints, where we enjoy the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. The three witnesses that bear the same record there are the all-cleansing blood, the washing of water by the Word and the Spirit of Truth that sanctifies and makes men free (1John 5:8).
----Eric Oso Jeremiah


*** Subject: Origin of 7th Seal/Trumpet Doctrine

 This bit of historic information was shared last night by Kenneth Probst.  He is very well-educated in church history and doctrinal developments.  I thought I would pass this along for everyone’s information:

 “Most folks don't realize the 7th Seal/Trumpet message traces it's roots to C. I. Scofield who produced the  *** Scofield Commentary Bible in 1909, in which he modified John Nelson Darby's 7 dispensational ages and joined them prophetically to the Seven churches of Asia in the book of Revelation topic, his theological agenda.

“In 1930, W S Goodnight, a COG minister in North Carolina again adapted the seven ages of Scofield to represent what he perceived to be the history of compromise by the 1880 COG Evening Light Reformation.

“Danny Layne acquired a chart that presented the Goodnight perspective of Revelation interpretation, modified 1930 to 1980 and alleged it to be a unique Revelation he received from God.

“In reality it appears that each of these used second handed information that originated with Darby who is known as the "Father of Dispensationalism" and founder of ‘Church of the Brethren’.” -- Kenneth Probst

 P. S.  I stumbled onto this youtube video tonight of a singspiration the “Restoration” cult had at Greenville, Ohio last month.  I’ll share the link below.  If you haven’t heard any of their singing lately, you’ll be shocked!  They have become quite the show clowns!  They used to have singing that seemed pretty spiritual, but it has become such that I can hardly bear to listen to it.  (I’d rather hear The Chuck Wagon Gang any day!)  These are some of the “changes” that Ray Tinsman has approved for them.  Listen and be astonished!
Harlan Sorrell

View this horable demonstration of an apostate sacrilegious gathering.   if you can stand it

*** See Apostate Bibles

Cults and the Danger!

Exposing the Falde Teachings of the COGR

Harlan Dale Sorrell: OKC COGR CULT MEETING Nov. 2020
church of god Cult Busters

Subject: The Incredible Fruit of a Rank Heresy!
To whoever may be concerned and desire to pray:
(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 2 Cor. 10:4.

When Danny Layne made his departure from the general body of the “evening light” saints back in the 1980’s, all whose hearts were tuned to the Spirit of God knew he was operating under a delusional spirit. But few would have imagined that spirit would have carried his followers as far into deception as it has carried them today! Danny Layne built himself quite a little empire of ecclesiastical hierarchy, pope-like authority, and rigid man-rule before his death. His position as “chief apostle” was assumed by his friend and close associate, Donald Ray Tinsman, upon Danny’s death.

Tinsman grew up under the religious leadership of another impostor and dictatorial-type preacher, Victor Orr of Farmland, Indiana. So the spirit of harshness and authoritarianism was nothing new to Donald Ray Tinsman. His boyhood pastor, Victor Orr, rose up in variance against the “evening light” saints back in the 1950’s, some 30 years before Danny Layne came along. The spirits of Orr and Layne, however, were very similar. My grandmother, Sis. Natalie Allen, who lived to observe each impostor rise up and gather his following, said concerning Victor Orr: “A bunch of ‘silly women’ just went crazy over the man!
(2Ti 3:6)  For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

They would say things, like ‘He’s another D. S. Warner!’”

The same thing happened when Danny Layne came on the scene! Interestingly, both Victor Orr and Danny Layne incorporated, with their similar extremisms and authoritarianism, heretical doctrines that had risen up among the “evening light” saints some 50 years before them. Victor Orr adopted the “anti-cleansing,” or “one work” heresy of 1898 as his special doctrinal emphasis. But Danny Layne adopted the “seventh seal,” or “seventh trumpet” heresy of 1930 as his; even stealing some of W. S. Goodnight’s Revelation chart information and changing Goodnight’s date for the beginning of the seventh church age from 1930 to 1980. (Note See Origin of 7th Seal/Trumpet Doctrine in column to the left) Danny Layne began promoting the seventh trumpet doctrine as though he had received it from God by revelation, thus misleading his followers to think so. It was, however, nothing more than a modified version of Goodnight’s doctrine which he concocted to fit his own agenda. But other than the differences in heresy endorsement, the spirits of Victor Orr and Danny Layne were very much the same – legalistic, harsh, didactic and dogmatic.

Danny Layne told me personally, not too long before he launched his new movement, “Victor Orr is wanting to see me really bad. I don’t know why.” Later, I thought to myself, “It’s probably because he discerns a kindred spirit!” Bro. Salvatore Dideo told me that, after the ministers had a special meeting with Victor Orr at a Monark Springs camp meeting in the mid 1950’s, dealing with him regarding the “issues” he was agitating among the saints, he (Bro. Salvatore) pled with Victor thus: “Brother Victor, whatever you do, don’t leave the saints.” Victor’s reply was: “Let the division come – the sooner, the better!”

When the ministers had to deal with Danny Layne in the late 1980’s regarding the “issues” he was agitating, he took a like attitude as did Victor Orr. And, like Victor Orr, he led away with him “a bunch of silly women!” Within a very short time he succeeded in separating one of them, whom I had been acquainted with from childhood, from her husband of approximately 50 years. This trend of separating wives from husbands (and vice-versa) has followed the movement he initiated until this present day. The numbers of separations, divorces, broken family relationships, and the grief, the sorrow, and heartache that has accompanied the movement Danny founded is known only to the all-seeing eye of God.

Naturally, Danny Layne became an attractive figure to some of Victor Orr’s followers. By the way, Victor died about the time Danny was launching his movement. I don’t know if his desire to meet Danny was ever granted. But young Donald Ray Tinsman was a prime prospect of Danny’s zealous proselytizing efforts, and Danny wasted no time spreading his umbrella of influence over the young man, eventually making him his right hand man and closest associate. The fruit that is now being produced under Tinsman’s leadership is utterly appalling! I seriously doubt that Danny Layne himself would even approve some of the things Ray is now promoting!

This past week, a few hundred of his followers (known as Church of God Restoration) have been in a convention at Oklahoma City, OK. The main focus and drive of the speakers at this week’s convention seems to have been:

(1) Honoring the leaders (the main one being their chief apostle, Donald Ray Tinsman, who now presides over 10 other so-called “apostles” – there were 11, but one defected). They also refer to these “apostles” as “fathers.”

(2) Insisting that all the followers pool their finances and “lay them at the apostle’s feet.”

This drive has been forceful and, obviously persuasive. In a message titled, “The Great Reset,” preached by chief apostle, Donald Ray Tinsman, Tuesday evening, November 24th, he tells his deluded followers that “It’s time to go for broke!” It’s time to empty their IRA’s, their 401k’s, their savings accounts, etc., and come lay it all at the “apostle’s feet.” He tells them that, if they don’t, Bill Gates is going to get it all anyway, so it’s not going to do them any good if they do decide to hold on to it. He insists that we are getting ready to enter into a time when the government is going to take all our wealth, therefore they, as a church, need to pool all their money together and plan for being self-sustaining in the future.

In a message last night (Sat., Nov. 28th), apostle Stephen Hargrave (2nd to Mr. Tinsman) enthusiastically backed Tinsman, appealing to the people to begin turning their IRA’s, 401k’s, and savings over to the apostles as early as tomorrow morning (Monday, Nov. 30th). He went so far as to say, “What are the apostle’s going to do with your money? It’s none of your business!” The prophet even told the people that, after the soon-coming calamity befalls the world, people in general are going to be flocking TO THEM (the Church of God Restoration)for sustenance, just like they now flock to Wal-Mart for the things they need! It’s one of the most foolish and delusional things I’ve ever heard in my life!

Tinsman then got up, following Hargrave’s sermon, and confirmed that this is right and people everywhere are soon going to be realizing how right they, the apostles, are. He even went so far as to assure them that there is NOBODY who has spiritual and prophetic insight and vision such as he, Steve, and Randy Hargrave have! Interestingly, in the announcement portion of his closing comments, he asked who had the oversight, or control, of a certain task that needed to be performed relative to the present meeting. But he then had to “clarify” his question by saying, “I’M IN CONTROL, but I mean, who has control of this particular task?”

The display of pride and arrogance is almost unbelievable! I’ve personally never seen anything like it!

Let us pray that God will have mercy and deliver every precious soul that He possibly can from the clutches of this awful deception! These are souls for whom Jesus shed His blood to purchase for His own, but impostors have lured and stolen them away from His fold of love.
Harlan Sorrell


Subject: The Incredible Fruit of a Rank Heresy!
To whoever may be concerned and desire to pray:
“(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)
2 Cor. 10:4.

 When Danny Layne made his departure from the general body of the “evening light” saints back in the 1980’s, all whose hearts were tuned to the Spirit of God knew he was operating under a delusional spirit.  But few would have imagined that spirit would have carried his followers as far into deception as it has carried them today!  Danny Layne built himself quite a little empire of ecclesiastical hierarchy, pope-like authority, and rigid man-rule before his death.  His position as “chief apostle” was assumed by his friend and close associate, Donald Ray Tinsman, upon Danny’s death.

 Tinsman grew up under the religious leadership of another impostor and dictatorial-type preacher, Victor Orr of Farmland, Indiana.  So the spirit of harshness and authoritarianism was nothing new to Donald Ray Tinsman.  His boyhood pastor, Victor Orr, rose up in variance against the “evening light” saints back in the 1950’s, some 30 years before Danny Layne came along.  The spirits of Orr and Layne, however, were very similar.  My grandmother, Sis. Natalie Allen, who lived to observe each impostor rise up and gather his following, said concerning Victor Orr: “A bunch of ‘silly women’ [2 Tim. 3:6] just went crazy over the man!  They would say things, like ‘He’s another D. S. Warner!’”

 The same thing happened when Danny Layne came on the scene!  Interestingly, both Victor Orr and Danny Layne incorporated, with their similar extremisms and authoritarianism, heretical doctrines that had risen up among the “evening light” saints some 50 years before them.  Victor Orr adopted the “anti-cleansing,” or “one work” heresy of 1898 as his special doctrinal emphasis.  *** (See Origin of 7th Seal/Trumpet Doctrine in column to the left) But Danny Layne adopted the “seventh seal,” or “seventh trumpet” heresy of 1930 as his; even stealing some of W. S. Goodnight’s Revelation chart information and changing Goodnight’s date for the beginning of the seventh church age from 1930 to 1980.  Danny Layne began promoting the seventh trumpet doctrine as though he had received it from God by revelation, thus misleading his followers to think so.  It was, however, nothing more than a modified version of Goodnight’s doctrine which he concocted to fit his own agenda.  But other than the differences in heresy endorsement, the spirits of Victor Orr and Danny Layne were very much the same – legalistic, harsh, didactic and dogmatic.

 Danny Layne told me personally, not too long before he launched his new movement, “Victor Orr is wanting to see me really bad.  I don’t know why.”  Later, I thought to myself, “It’s probably because he discerns a kindred spirit!”  Bro. Salvatore Dideo told me that, after the ministers had a special meeting with Victor Orr at a Monark Springs camp meeting in the mid 1950’s, dealing with him regarding the “issues” he was agitating among the saints, he (Bro. Salvatore) pled with Victor thus: “Brother Victor, whatever you do, don’t leave the saints.”  Victor’s reply was: “Let the division come – the sooner, the better!”

 When the ministers had to deal with Danny Layne in the late 1980’s regarding the “issues” he was agitating, he took a like attitude as did Victor Orr.  And, like Victor Orr, he led away with him “a bunch of silly women!”  Within a very short time he succeeded in separating one of them, whom I had been acquainted with from childhood, from her husband of approximately 50 years.  This trend of separating wives from husbands (and vice-versa) has followed the movement he initiated until this present day.  The numbers of separations, divorces, broken family relationships, and the grief, the sorrow, and heartache that has accompanied the movement Danny founded is known only to the all-seeing eye of God.

 Naturally, Danny Layne became an attractive figure to some of Victor Orr’s followers.  By the way, Victor died about the time Danny was launching his movement.  I don’t know if his desire to meet Danny was ever granted.  But young Donald Ray Tinsman was a prime prospect of Danny’s zealous proselytizing efforts, and Danny wasted no time spreading his umbrella of influence over the young man, eventually making him his right hand man and closest associate.  The fruit that is now being produced under Tinsman’s leadership is utterly appalling!  I seriously doubt that Danny Layne himself would even approve some of the things Ray is now promoting!

 This past week, a few hundred of his followers (known as Church of God Restoration) have been in a convention at Oklahoma City, OK.  The main focus and drive of the speakers at this week’s convention seems to have been:

 (1) Honoring the leaders (the main one being their chief apostle, Donald Ray Tinsman, who now presides over 10 other so-called “apostles” – there were 11, but one defected).  They also refer to these “apostles” as “fathers.”
(2) Insisting that all the followers pool their finances and “lay them at the apostle’s feet.”

 This drive has been forceful and, obviously persuasive.  In a message titled, “The Great Reset,” preached by chief apostle, Donald Ray Tinsman, Tuesday evening, November 24th, he tells his deluded followers that “It’s time to go for broke!”  It’s time to empty their IRA’s, their 401k’s, their savings accounts, etc., and come lay it all at the “apostle’s feet.”  He tells them that, if they don’t, Bill Gates is going to get it all anyway, so it’s not going to do them any good if they do decide to hold on to it.  He insists that we are getting ready to enter into a time when the government is going to take all our wealth, therefore they, as a church, need to pool all their money together and plan for being self-sustaining in the future.

 In a message last night (Sat., Nov. 28th), apostle Stephen Hargrave (2nd to Mr. Tinsman) enthusiastically backed Tinsman, appealing to the people to begin turning their IRA’s, 401k’s, and savings over to the apostles as early as tomorrow morning (Monday, Nov. 30th).  He went so far as to say, “What are the apostle’s going to do with your money?  It’s none of your business!”  The prophet even told the people that, after the soon-coming calamity befalls the world, people in general are going to be flocking TO THEM (the Church of God Restoration) for sustenance, just like they now flock to Wal-Mart for the things they need!  It’s one of the most foolish and delusional things I’ve ever heard in my life!

 Tinsman then got up, following Hargrave’s sermon, and confirmed that this is right and people everywhere are soon going to be realizing how right they, the apostles, are.  He even went so far as to assure them that there is NOBODY who has spiritual and prophetic insight and vision such as he, Steve, and Randy Hargrave have!  Interestingly, in the announcement portion of his closing comments, he asked who had the oversight, or control, of a certain task that needed to be performed relative to the present meeting.  But he then had to “clarify” his question by saying, “I’M IN CONTROL, but I mean, who has control of this particular task?”

 The display of pride and arrogance is almost unbelievable!  I’ve personally never seen anything like it!  Below is an excerpt from the sermon Mr. Tinsman preached on Monday night, Nov. 23rd.  One brother who read it, said, “If SELF was left out, it would be very short!” [😊]   It would indeed!  The spirit of the sermon reminds me of Apostle Paul’s words: “For ye suffer, if a man bring you into bondage, if a man devour you, if a man take of you, if a man exalt himself, if a man smite you on the face.”
(2 Cor. 11:20).

 Would to God He would so deal with this arrogant false prophet as He did with proud king Nebuchadnezzar who, in the end acknowledged, “all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing … Now I Nebuchadnezzar praise and extol and honour the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment: AND THOSE THAT WALK IN PRIDE HE IS ABLE TO ABASE.”
(See Daniel 4:34-37).

 Excerpts from Ray Tinsman’s sermon on “Change,” Nov. 23, 2020, Oklahoma City, OK

 “It is not possible that the Apostle Paul and his writings can meet all your needs. …  It’s not possible that the entire Bible in its written form fully suffice your needs.  You say, ‘Brother, that sounds bad!’  No, because the Bible itself says it can’t.  It says there’s A MINISTRY that will perfect you, and who will cause you to be at one, and will help you.

 “I’ll even tell you that you don’t have the opportunity to pick and choose what you fellowship or whom you fellowship with.  You fellowship whom THIS MINISTRY, THIS APOSTLE BODY fellowships with – that’s who you fellowship with.  …  I would further say that some of the things in which we have experienced as change has been changed from a temporary status from the beginning, and that we are more presently in line with the holy Scriptures today than we’ve ever been in the course of the entire Restoration. … Somebody recently told me, talking about some situation which I won’t make clear to you, ‘don’t you realize that there are some brethren who have some struggles with that?’  And I said, ‘Well, I could assume so.  I hope they’ll come through.  But, if they think that because so and so has a struggle with it might deter the way I think about it, they’ve got another thing coming, because it don’t mean anything.’  Not to me.  It does to you.  What you think about it means a lot to you, but to me it don’t mean anything. [Ha! Ha! Ha! – he laughs.]

 “Might be some of you who feel like you have some insight and that some changes are needed.  And let’s assume tonight that you are correct.  It’s not likely that you are, but let’s assume that you are.  If you want to hinder that change, you could do so by trying to force that change over on me.  Those of you that know about horses, you know them back haunches when they sit down? … I’m good at that. I’m good, and ain’t little either.  I need to be littler in some ways.  But I ain’t little, and in this way, I need to stay big.  …  You’re not making any changes.  I don’t care how much you have fasted, I don’t care how much you have prayed, I don’t care how spiritual you might be, you aint’ making no changes.  I don’t care if you’re right!  If somehow in your perception and in your deep spirituality you was able to surpass ME in vision (if that were possible, I don’t know, but if it was), if you were able to pass ME and you could see where we need to make the change, brother, you open your little lips about it, brother Ray’s sitting down!  …  Now, don’t you think, any young people, that you’re going to tell me what to do!  I love you, and you know I love you, but don’t you think you’re going to tell me what to do.  There’s only a few people who would dare to make some suggestions.  Not even all the apostles!  I’m just telling you.  Bro. Steve might look at me, say, ‘Now Brother Ray, we got to talk.’  And I’ll say, ‘Yeah brother, we better talk.  Yeah brother, come on, what do you have to say to me?’  I’ll walk over, we’ll sit down – ‘Yeah brother, I see that.’  Don’t you think YOU might try that!  That would be a suicide mission!  But having said that, there ought to be some comfort.  By the time that you hear a little bird peep, and you hear that Bro. Ray feels like that we need to make a little change, by the time that you have heard it, you can rest assured it’s been through the fire, it’s been through the flood, and it’s been through the blood, and brother, it’s been thought in every way, and then the Holy Ghost, through the help of a few brethren WHO GET IT THROUGH MY HAND, I say, Amen.  And by the time you hear, it’s way too late!  In fact, it ought to be a little embarrassing to say, ‘Brother have you considered?’  Look, I’ve considered LONG!  … ‘Well, can I not even say anything?’  I’m not going to say you can’t say nothing.  If you dare, go ahead!  But, I wouldn’t advise it!

 “I remember the time when camp meetings were always filled with one kind of singing.  … Bro. Danny said that we need to have some other kinds of music.  And there was a small little move, like … rather than having the southern gospel sound, they had a little bit of black gospel, maybe.  And there were people that left us, and are gone till this day, because they said we went worldly.  I can name them to you – they couldn’t deal with the change – who now might be listening and be happy they left.  And we’re happy they’re gone! …”

[Note: They’ve now taken up Michael Jackson style music!]

 “So we have taken up sensitive subjects.  One of them is about your money!  In the beginning of the days of the Restoration, we used to brag about not preaching about money.  We ain’t bragging that no more!  We’re preaching about your money. … And don’t tell me that’s a deviation from the Bible. …

 “We’ve talked about sensitive issues that are very real in the world today, that have been crushed and suppressed, and hidden, and put down – the issue of racism.  … That’s why it took a Baptist preacher to deal with the civil rights and the Church of God folks did terrible.  Brother, there’s somebody out of Anderson, Indiana that should have went out on the streets of Washington DC and stood beside our brother in the flesh … and preached with him when he preached, ‘I had a dream,’ but where were they?  Martin Luther King did what Church of God folks should have been doing.  And Church of God folks got out of it by saying, ‘That’s just the world, we don’t have to deal with the world.’  Brother, that wasn’t the world, that was their brothers.  And they actually cried, ‘Am I my brother’s keeper’ in their heart and in their spirit, and they divided and joined the worldly system.  I say, Church of God folks joined the world.  Had to cancel the Hammond, Louisiana camp meeting because too many black folks were moving into town – I’m talking Church of God!”

[Note:  the fact is, the Hammond, Louisiana camp meetings were canceled and moved to Loranger because those residing in the neighborhood were causing problems and vandalizing the campground; not because the saints were against black people.  But one little black boy living in the neighborhood, named Lewis Kimble, who was peeking through the bushes and watching the saints, ended up getting saved and became a prominent minister of the Church of God, highly respected and loved by the saints.  How nice it would be if Ray would tell the whole truth about the matter instead of insinuating “racism” was the issue – Harlan Sorrell]

 “ … We’ve never involved ourselves into politics.  What are we doing?  We’re doing what we should have been doing. … It’s the church that ought to have the voice in everything that happens in the society that we live in.  From Washington DC to every municipal, wherever we go, it ought to be Church of God folks who are out crying ‘holy, holy’ in the streets.  You say, ‘We’ve never done that.’  You’re right, we never have, but we are now!

 “Well, I hope it’s been a help to you. … I trust that I’ve helped you that you don’t think that maybe the Lord’s talking to YOU about changes that are going to be made that you’re going to be the leader in.  Because the Lord’s not!  You say, ‘Brother, you can’t say that.”  Yeah, I can. … ‘Well, if they can, I can.’  No, you can’t!  ‘Well, why can’t I?’  Because I said so!  And that’s good enough!  That will make you happy.  It ought to make you happy!  Say, ‘Well, thank the Lord, it’s not out of control!’  No, it’s not!  It’s very controlled. …”  [End of quote.]

In meditating on these things, I felt inspired to write the following lines of poetry to the meter of the song, “The Church’s Jubilee.”

 Our apostles make our rules of faith, and Ray alone is lord,
All we are favored in his sight while we obey his word;
No other master do we know, to Christ we must not bow,
But to Ray Tinsman and his gang eternal trueness vow!

 We fellowship with only those who vow to come in line
With all our lord, Ray Tinsman, says, we know he is divine!
We know our Bibles aren’t enough to show us God’s true way,
So, we must trust THE MINISTRY, and do whate’er they say!

We love Ray’s law; we love his bands!  In truth we can’t rejoice;
But in the COGR rules we think we hear God’s voice!
We know God’s unction comes from Ray, so, subject we shall be,
 And drink the Kool-Aid right on down until our doom we see!

Oh God, have mercy on poor souls!  Illuminate their night!
 Somehow awaken them from sleep and save them from their plight!
Oh God, illuminate their minds and help them, Lord, to see
That You alone can save their souls and set their spirits free.

 Let us pray that God will have mercy and deliver every precious soul that He possibly can from the clutches of this awful deception!  These are souls for whom Jesus shed His blood to purchase for His own, but impostors have lured and stolen them away from His fold of love.
Harlan Sorrell

Identifying the Different Cults: Scroll down; more will be added as time permits.

             Church of God Restoration - religious cults, sects and movements

The Church of God Restoration was founded and supervised by Daniel Layne, who has described himself as a prophet. Layne has an unhealthy, cultic of control over his followers, which - given that this counters the teachings of the Bible - is one reason why the group can be identified as a cult of Christianity.

The "Church of God Restoration" group is a religious movement founded by Danny Layne in the late 1980's. Danny was a former drug addict who made a profession of salvation, began preaching, and eventually created his own following. He once preached among the Evening Light Saints fellowship, but became sharply critical of that fellowship and called for his followers to come out. During these years of establishing his following, he and his followers proselyted among various religious groups, including the Evening Light Saints and Mennonite groups.

Danny Layne assumed the title of Apostle, and accepted the adoration of his followers. A framed church group picture shows a group of followers, with a separate portrait of Danny Layne to the side of the group in the same frame, clearly giving Danny Layne the most prominent position. His followers were his subjects, doing his bidding from how to dress to where to live.

As the years passed, the Restoration group began to take on the appearance of the Amish, with the ladies and men wearing dark colors and the men growing long, flowing beards. The Restoration group continues to practice shunning -(an earmark of most cults)  a rejection of those who do not accept the Restoration religious beliefs to the point of cutting off visits and communication. The Restoration group has been responsible for the breaking up of a number of marriages. ( A common cult practice, as cults, must have full control to exist)

The result of years of being exposed to the Restoration group pressures often causes people who eventually do have the courage to leave the group to go to the other extreme - embracing complete compromise or open sin. Years of being in the Restoration movement seem to leave most people so emotionally damaged that they never really recover.

There is a harsh and critical spirit that characterizes the ministry and many members of the Church of God Restoration group. When visiting other groups' worship services, the Restoration members have often made it a point to go in numbers, to be loud and boisterous, and to try to dominate the service. Unlike the Restoration ministry, God's true ministers are humble people - servants.

The Restoration practice of shunning unsaved family members and leaving unsaved spouses is unscriptural and un-Christlike. Worshiping a man, no matter how charismatic he may have been, is idolatry. There are honest souls deceived by the Restoration teachings that need to come out of this fallen movement. May God give them the courage to do so and to be reunited with God's true people.

If you have been involved with the Restoration group, there is hope and there is healing. May God bless and restore you from the FALSE "Restoration".

Douglas Wall - 6 April, 2013

The Renunciation of Danny Layne -- by Brother Mart Samons at Monark Springs National Campmeeting, cerca 1990 (Audio mp3)
