Jesus Said Rev 1:8 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending
Copied from Cult Busters
The following was posted on “busted in Darke county” this was pasted here as there was no share available:
So someone posted this here and was harassed into taking it down so thought I’d share it with them…. Hey, it’s gone pretty crazy and why not educate the public of what’s sitting right under their noses?
Stop bullying people into being quiet. I went to this church for years! I would know. Now you're looking at someone who won’t back down……..Ray Tinsman is a sexual predator. He raped his own sister then went on to cover and protect other predators in his church. He is wicked and nasty and will stop at nothing to silence people. I’ve already received threats. But I will not be shut up. Not only is there doctrine completely off they are sexually abusive and perverted. They also try to make you lay everything at their feet. Such as property money bonus checks houses and other things. While they live on hundreds of acres, have new homes, and drive new cars. Guess what messed with the wrong person this time Ray. I won’t stop till everyone knows what you did! Stephen Nathaniel
Watch The Video exposing the COGR
The following was posted on “busted in Darke county” this was pasted here as there was no share available: 10/19/2022
So someone posted this here and was harassed into taking it down so thought I’d share it with them…. Hey, it’s gone pretty crazy and why not educate the public of what’s sitting right under their noses? Stop bullying people into being quiet. I went to this church for years! I would know. Now you're looking at someone who won’t back down……..
Ray Tinsman is a sexual predator. He raped his own sister and then went on to cover and protect other predators in his church. He is wicked and nasty and will stop at nothing to silence people. I’ve already received threats. But I will not be shut up. Not only is their doctrine completely off they are sexually abusive and perverted. They also try to make you lay everything at their feet. Such as property money bonus checks houses and other things. While they live on hundreds of acres of new homes and drive new cars. Guess what messed with the wrong person this time Ray. I won’t stop till everyone knows what you did! Stephen N.
Click on the Picture & Hear the Truth
Hello to everyone in the group:
This is me, (Marie Wall Diozlogos)
before and after leaving
the Aylmer COGR.
I don’t really want write much about myself, I want to focus more on how brainwashing and manipulative the cult really is. When new comers come they are very welcome, and will offer the best to the visitors, in church they will give them the best seats, if you need a ride they will come pick you up even if it’s hours away, you will be invited to their homes, you will be given the best foods, and on goes the list for them to win your hearts, they’re overly kind to you. But all this kindness doesn’t less for ever, soon the true colors come out. It takes a very short time to be brainwashed. In the beginning they won’t pressure you to dress like them, they say come as you are. But with in a year or so you should dress and believe just like one of them, they will put the pressure on. I’m a very social person,
I like meeting new people, so I was a perfect candidate for them. Years later I went from being very social to a non-social person with huge anxieties. I couldn’t stand how certain families and young people were treated. I want to focus a little bit on the young people and on mental illness.
Young people are expected to walk very straight, there is a small gap for some shortcomings but other than that you walk straight. If a young person is not obeying those leaders, they will take the young person as young as 13 of age, and place him or her in a different locality or country, until the young person gives in to their doctrines, the parents have no say in it, it has happened many times here in Aylmer, and if the young person will just not obey according to their demands, they will kick him or her out, this is devastating and heartbreaking because these young people don’t know anything other than growing up in the cult.
When the young people are done with school they will be sent off to a Mission field for at least one year or two. They are not allowed to have a phone, they are allowed to call home to their families 30 minutes a week with a landline phone. There is no education encouraged to these young people. When they come back from the mission field, if they are good and spiritual in the leaders eyes, then they can get a phone, but it will be blocked off from Google, like they can’t browse online. The girls may go teach in their schools for very little money, the boys would be encouraged to have a job within their church group, and give as much money as possible to the church. Most of the marriages are arranged by their leaders.
I want to touch a bit on mental illness. People who suffer from mental illness in this cult are just considered non-spiritual people, and are good for nothing. I know people with mental illness will always be told “ you need to be saved” in other words “you need to be born again” Some people have huge social anxieties, people with depression, and suicidal, *** they are just considered awkward folks. I was suffering mentally very much. I went from being very social to non-social, I had big social anxieties. I was very close to committing suicide,*** I remember how one of their leaders came to my house and just condemned me, and said how un-spiritual I was, and I was on my way to hell. Oh my gosh, I can still see those evil eyes staring at me, there was no love of what so ever, no hope with in. I was shaking in my bones and just hoping life would be over soon.
I was able to get help for my mental problems outside the cult. Today I’m strong and well mentally, and want to be there for anyone who has left or wants to leave. I will never be able to put my experience into words of what life is in such a cult. I mainly put this information out to people who don’t know these cult leaders.
Marie Wall Diozlogos
***(Added comments on suicide by Web Master Larry Wittenborn)***
“To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end”
If Hamlet had studied his Holy Bible, he would have known without a doubt that “to die to sleep is not the end. For if we measure the life of man as one grain of sand as compared to eternity, eternity would be greater than all of the sands of this world. So the question Hamlet should have asked himself was where will I spend eternity, in Heaven with The Father God and His only Begotten Son Jesus, or with Satan in the Lake of Fire.
What Does God's Holy Word say?
(1Co 15:55)O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
(Gen 1:26) And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
(Leviticus 17:14) “For as for the life of all flesh, its blood is identified with its life. Therefore I said to the sons of Israel, ‘You are not to eat the blood of any flesh, for the life of all flesh is its blood; whoever eats it shall be cut off.’
(Gen 1:27) So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
( I would not want to stand before God Jehovah, knowing that I had destroyed a person or myself created in His image)
Stephen Nathaniel ·10/25/2022
I had a very interesting encounter today! It’s been a very stressful busy couple of days. Lots of emotions from old memories resurfaced seeing people from my past that ruined my life and it’s been rough…… As I was hurrying back home to try to finish packing up my house. I made a stop in Englewood Ohio. An Older gentleman approached me and said excuse me can I tell you something? I was kinda taken aback at first but said yes sir of course! He then went on to say……..
“Don’t ever let someone take your peace away! Don’t ever second guess yourself because of something someone else says. You do you!
We need more people like you. You are a very mature courageous man I can see it in you. I believe God is using you I can just feel it! You have a blessed day and keep on being you!”
This was a complete stranger I didn’t even know…… but it got me to thinking…. He’s so right! I used to struggle with how I viewed myself because I let other people control my feelings. Don’t let anyone take your peace from you. Do you! Do whatever makes you happy in life! Never second-guess yourself. There is a reason you are the way you are! Someday you will be that somebody that someone else needed! On a second note think of what it could do to someone who may be having a hard day. Maybe hurting or stressed out and you say something nice to them or just show a little kindness. If we had more people like this the world would be a different place!
BTW: If you are an Escapee from a Cult please Msg. me